CASC is a unified group of Providers and Families who are willing to move mountains to protect and expand Autism Services in Colorado.


Update: The JBC just took action!

GREAT NEWS: Today the Joint Budget Committee took decisive action to help Autism Services in Colorado stay sustainable. They voted unanimously to add a supplemental to raise the EPSDT rates to the original MPRRAC recommendation. This is a massive step towards strengthening Colorado’s Autism services. Thank you the Joint Budget Committee for this action, thank you to the media outlets, families, and providers who have helped to raise awareness about this issue. CASC and its team will continue to push for legislature that solidify this victory, expand on it, and ensure that Autism Services in Colorado continue to be heard and treasured by our state. Please take a moment to reach out to the JBC and thank them for their support!

Contact information for members of the JBC

TitleMemberDistrict (County)EmailPhone
State SenatorBarbara KirkmeyerLarimer, Weldbarbara.kirkmeyer.senate@coleg.gov303-866-4876
State Senator, JBC ChairRachel ZenzingerAdams, Jeffersonrachel.zenzinger.senate@coleg.gov303-866-4840
State RepresentativeEmily SirotaArapahoe,
State Representative, JBC Vice ChairShannon BirdAdams,
State SenatorJeff BridgesArapahoe, Denver, Jeffersonjeff.bridges.senate@coleg.gov303-866-4846

Colorado is facing an autism service crisis, and families are suffering

In just the past year, over 20 centers providing Autism services to children and adults have closed or left the state because they could not sustain business in our state. Colorado currently pays Autism service providers much less than even states with much lower costs of living. Colorado pays providers less than 1/2 of what Nebraska pays its providers, and less than 1/3 of what Nevada pays its providers.Providers closing has left more than 1,000 children without the life-changing services they need. Families face waitlists for services of over 7 months, and this keeps growing.If something isn't done immediately, more providers will close, and Colorado will be left without services for Autism. It is hard to imagine this, especially for families who rely on these services, but it is happening at an alarming rate.Our appeal is for HCPF and the Governor's Office to join us and present the Joint Budget Committee an Emergency Supplemental that they can vote on and provide immediate relief to families and providers who are suffering.

How you can help:

If you want to stay engaged with this movement and continue to help, join us on Facebook.

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